There are a few things that we simply can’t offer in our web design packages as standard components. The simple reason is either capability or time.
They include:
Custom redesign of the output of our idx solution. It’s not that we can’t do this for you, and will for additional programming time and a fee associated with it, it’s just that when you start saying move this here, add this there, it can get to be pretty time consuming. Especially when considering we have to take into account how changes will be reflected on the various devices that prospects and clients will be viewing from (cell phone, tablets, desktops).
Custom designed maps for areas.
Custom graphics ( this is best turned over to a graphic design company that does this kind of work).
An Event Calendar (we can create a page of information and events, but an interactive calendar at this time isn’t supported.)
Facebook Page Designs – we’ll help with implementation ideas, just not the design.
Finding photos or graphics for inclusion on pages and articles. This will be left up to you. We will show you how to find Creative Commons photos (free to use with no per use fee attached) that you can use as long as you give attribution to the original creators work. We can also give you a list of stock photo websites where you can purchase photos or graphics if you desire.